
The initial testing intake is similar to a therapy intake. We cover information about a variety of important related topics and then I have to learn as much as I can in order to decide which tests will give us the best answers for your questions. Typically, at this time, a second session is scheduled. It is during this second session that the assessments will be administered. I can make a guess on how long it will take based on the assessments chosen, but this too will vary depending on many different factors. A third session is then scheduled. It is at this time you receive a written report and we review the results, what they mean, and your individualized treatment recommendations based on the assessment results.

With therapy and testing, my goal is for you to feel comfortable. You are invited to ask questions, bring snacks, and we take breaks as needed. The temperature of the room can vary, so it’s important to wear layers. Eating a healthy breakfast and getting sleep the night before is helpful. We will discuss all of this prior to your testing session. All testing activities are in supervised capacity as required by Wisconsin law.